I stepped away from the traditional workforce more than a year ago in late summer of 2021. It was a journey I embarked on after serendipitously stumbling onto Mr. Money Mustache and Go Curry Cracker back in 2011 or 2012. Their FIRE stories inspired me to think differently about what the American dream is and what it means to have a good life.
Over the years, I’ve come to realize that aspirations in life are not some immovable goalposts, nor are they defined by some ridiculous, meaningless corporate KPIs. Beyond climbing the proverbial corporate ladder, I’ve long yearned for a life that is lived not by conventional norms and parameters.
Now that I’ve stopped working. I’m interested in exploring and learning about the world and my place in it. Seeking Liliova is about this evolving journey. I’m hoping it will be a bit of everything. Thank you for stopping by.